Sunday, October 25, 2009

True Jesus Church Is the Only Church to Salvation

True Jesus Church Is the Only Church to Salvation

Testified by Sister Tien Chi Ya-Yun

In the name of the Lord Jesus, I testify about the church which I believe in. I can very positively assure you that True Jesus Church is the only church to salvation.
Sometimes I get phone calls saying that I have been too subjective. I responded, “True Jesus Church abides by all the teachings of the Bible, so only the members of True Jesus Church are qualified for salvation.” Some others may feel too embarrassed to make such declaration. I think if we do not clarify this to everyone, we ought to be ashamed of ourselves.
Before I came to True Jesus Church in 1958, I was a nursing school student. I had a dream where I saw a place I had never been to. I looked around. What a beautiful place! A wide open plain filled with flowers -- very fragrant and beautiful, without grass. I felt very happy.
In front of me was a two meter wide golden road which lead all the way to a far away mansion up ahead. I thought, “These flowers must belong to the owner of the mansion.” I was very curious and figured the owner must be a very kind man.
I walked for a while and approached the mansion. I saw two angels at the door. They invited me in. When I was still some distance away, the mansion did not look very large, but as I drew near it I realized the mansion was the most gigantic chapel I had ever seen. The building was made of shiny white gold. Everything inside was made of gold. The wall was made of white gold. Tables and chairs were of brownish color gold; the ground yellow gold. When I looked at the front of the chapel, I saw pulpit and gold pianos. There were many pews inside the chapel, but only one third were filled. The congregation was singing hymns with beautiful voices.
I proceeded to sit at the rear. The pianist, an angel saw me and invited me to sit behind the choir. I admired those in the choir and asked, “How did you get here?” Every one of them looked very attractive, except they all look different.
While I was looking around the pianist stopped playing piano and came over to me. The choir also stopped singing. One of them nodded at me, smiling.
I paid special attention to that person for I realized he was the best worker at True Jesus Church who had passed away three years ago. He had brought everyone at Wong-Mei church (except for my family and those of my older brother) to True Jesus Church. His faith had been the most fervent in Wong-Mei church. I looked at him admiringly and wondered in my heart, “How did he get here?”
The angel said to me, “You are wearing different clothing from our white robes. You need to go back to dress in white before you can return.” Immediately I replied, “No, I want to stay!”
This was a such a wonderful place that I did not wish to leave! Nevertheless, the angel urged me, “You need to go back and then return in white robe.”
Later, the angel repeated, “You need to go back and return with white robe.” I asked, “Where can I buy this white robe?” She said, “Seek, and you shall find.”
Soon I returned to where I stood initially. But I really did not want to leave that place!
An angel at the door told me, “Don't worry! When you find your white robe, you shall come again. Then, no one will ask you to leave.”
Then, I left.
I woke up at that moment and kept thinking, “What did this dream mean?” When I was a child, I was told by adults that if we dream of a person who had passed away, then our spirits would be led away by the deceased person and we would die.
I was very worried thinking about this. Since that dream whenever I felt sick, I would jump to conclusion, “I will die soon!” I also thought about this, “I am a nurse and I dress in white everyday. Why didn't I dress in white in my dream?”
I asked our minister as well as older people in my church, but no one could explain to me what kind of place it could have been. They all interpreted the dream this way, “Since you have dreamed of a dead person, you would probably die soon.”
A few years later, I had another dream right after my wedding, which was the first day of going back to work.
At that time, I was not yet a True Jesus Church member. In the dream, I stood in front of the chapel of our Presbyterian church.
I saw that the door was open halfway, and a person stood at the door. The person was so tall that I was unable to see his head, despite the door being also very tall.
I invited this person to come in, but he did not come in. At that time, I saw that he was wearing a pair of straw sandals, and that he had a pair of very long feet! Also I saw that his palms and the bottom of his feet all had nail marks.
I was clueless at the time and only seized by the fear of that gigantic person. Then I said to my husband, “There is a person standing outside of our door! I invited him in, but he does not want to come in. I think he has evil intentions. If he comes in, I will be terrified!” My husband said, “Don't be frightened! I will wrestle with him!”
I said, “You cannot overcome him because he is REALLY tall!” My husband, however, was very confident, “Yes, I will. Yes, I will.”
At this time, I heard footsteps. The sandals were making noises “Ka Csa! Ka Csa!” when the tall person walked into the room. I was so terrified I lowered my head.
To our surprise, this person spoke in a very gentle voice, “Do not be afraid! Do not be afraid! I am the Lord of Life. I am the Way, and I am the True Vine.”
I heard what he said, and thought to myself, “This is a good message.” Then, my heart began to calm down.
He continued, “Please raise your right hands.”
I saw that my husband raised his hand, and I followed. The person was wearing a one-piece white robe garment. Although I did not see any water bucket or basin, but I did see water appear out of thin air. That water, after stirring by the tall person, became crystal clear.
This person continued to stir the water and placed it on my husband's hands. That water resembled a big round dough-like lump, not splashing out nor flowing down.
I thought that he was going to scoop the water again to place in my hand. Instead, he scooped some water and then laid his hand on my head. I could sense the water flowing through every single strand of my hair, but not a drop of water ran down my head.
He then said, “If you encounter any difficulties or suffering, please come to me and you will be comforted.”
After saying so he moved his hand from above my head to in front of us. The nail mark was unmistakable and its diameter like that of a ball point pen. When he placed his hand this way, I could see through the hole from the front to the back. It was indeed a large hole!
It was then I realized that He was Lord Jesus. I lifted up my head and wanted to see his face but was unable to. His face was emitting in such brilliant light more intense than sunshine. Although I strained to peer through the light to view His face, I could not.
He said to us, “Please follow me. Follow me.”
As he approached the door, a lump of cloud following him outside. The cloud surrounded him from behind. When He went outside, we could not see Him anymore.
Once his shadow disappeared, the water on my head and on the hand of my husband also disappeared. At this moment we said in unison, “Ah! He was Lord Jesus!”
I called out to my husband, “Go get Him back and keep Him here! I want to prepare a meal for Him!” He came back saying, “I wasn’t able to find Him!” “Okay, I will go out to look for him too,” I replied.
We asked everyone we met on the road, “Have you seen a tall person dressed in white robe?” But nobody saw Him.
I then sighed, “Ah! What a shame we did not get to keep Him here!”
Just then I saw Him surrounded by the cloud and being lifted up to the Heaven. He stretched out his hand with a white handkerchief and waved to me. I saw Him ascending into Heaven!
When I woke up, it was 1 o'clock in the morning. I woke up my husband, saying, “I just had a nightmare!” and told him about the dream I just had. At around 5 AM, he got out of bed. And then, he biked to Pastor Wei and asked him to interpret this dream.
Pastor Wei listened for a long while and laughed, “Your wife will be blessed by God. She will give birth to a boy!”
When my husband told me Pastor Wei’s interpretation, I was dissatisfied. Isn’t it a fact that all boys must have a birthing mother? Why did God give me such a dream? This dream must contain a more profound meaning. I kept it in my mind since then.
Amazingly, a few years after I was baptized into True Jesus Church, while doing house chores I smelled several drifts of fragrance which led to my third dream.
When I smelled these fragrances I wondered “Where did such a pleasant smell come from?” I went to the kitchen to see what kind of food was emitting such good smell. I could not find any.
Then I went to the back door and looked outside. I wondered if it was because the orchard was blooming, instead of the smell coming from the flowers.
So as I went inside the house, I still smelled these drifts of fragrance. When I went into the living room there I saw that person in white robe again. Because I had seen Him before, this time He was no longer a stranger to me. I said, “Here He is again!”
This time was the same as last. His head was taller than the door so I could only see his hands. He was holding a white handkerchief and waving toward inside. Each time he waved the fragrance came in.
I was very happy and walked toward the door. I said, “Lord Jesus, please come in!” He then lowered His head and came in. He placed one of his hand on my shoulder. We then walked together to the chairs at the table nearby.
We sat down face to face. I thought, “He is so handsome and young! May be between 25 to 30 years of age. He is such a handsome man!”
He kept looking at me in such a way that I felt embarrassed, for I knew myself to be an ugly duckling. For the longest while I did not say anything to Him. Nevertheless, I knew that He kept looking at me.
Suddenly, in front of me was a book thicker than a bible, as thick as one meter high. I wondered where it came from? The title of the book read Death Sentence. I was so shocked! What was this? Why was the book entitled Death Sentence?
I took the book and looked inside. It recorded many names and the sins they committed. All the names belonged to those who were sentenced to death!
I thought, “Am I one of them who have been sentenced to death too?” I felt so nervous and kept searching for my name.
He used His hand to push the book aside and said, “You don't need to look for your name. Your name is not recorded here.” What a relief.
I asked Him, “Why were these people sentenced to death?” He answered, “Because they did not obey my words. My word is the word of the Bible. Thus, they are sentenced to death.”
Then, I asked Him, “How do we avoid being sentenced to death?” He pointed at the door of my house, “You need to walk from your house all the way until the end of the road. There is a building. You can ask a lady there how to avoid being sentenced to death. However, do not take any detour. You have to stay straight.” I replied, “Okay, I will walk.”
I stood at the door and hesitated a bit. He asked, “Why have you not started walking?” I responded, “I want to walk with my children!” He said, “You don't need to look for them. Your children have all gone there to wait for you!” Thus, I started out my journey.
There were many detours on the road. I walked straight in the middle and did not stray off to any of the detours. Somewhere very far away I saw a building at the end of the road. The road leads straight into the building.
I looked up and wondered, “What kind of building is this?” And there I saw a chapel! A sign on top of the door read, True Jesus Church!
Inside there were many believers, all of them dressed in white robes. They were holding a spiritual convocation, and singing the song, “How happy it is to receive Holy Spirit!” Even though I was still standing outside, but I was touched by the Holy Spirit and shared in the happiness of singing hymns with them.
I wore earthly clothing at the time. But as soon as my feet stepped into the chapel, my dress turned into white. “Wow! How happy to sing hymns with everyone here!” I exclaimed.
Then, I saw the sermon speaker was none other than Lord Jesus himself.
I forgot to mention this. When Lord Jesus came into my house he asked me, “How did you recognize that I am Lord Jesus?” I replied, “I just knew.” He said, “You knew me because of the Holy Spirit that lives in you.” At that time, the face of Lord Jesus was not covered by bright light, so I was able to see his face.
I thought to myself, “Hmm... When I left my house, Lord Jesus was still in my home. I have walked for a quite a while, and now He is here about to deliver a sermon?”
In my previous two dreams, the angels told me that I could only come in when I dress in white. I thought, “As a nurse I was dressed in white all day, but why wasn’t dressed the same in my dream?”
Also, in the second dream, the Lord Jesus said, “You should follow me! Follow me! I am the Way of Life. I am the Truth. I am the True Vine.” I felt very thankful to the Lord.
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
During one of these dreams, He said, “You need to follow me! Follow me!”, and after we believed in True Jesus Church, my husband really followed the Lord Jesus to become his servant minister.
Also the dream about “finding True Jesus Church at the end of the road” makes it very clear that True Jesus Church is the only church to salvation.
On a different occasion I had another dream. I saw that we were holding a service in our chapel. During the sermon, I heard “Sha! Sha!” at the back of the chapel. The noise grew louder and louder. Meanwhile the air in the chapel became hotter and hotter!
I looked out the windows and saw “sparks” landing on the fence of our chapel. These “sparks” were actually balls of fire. Everything surrounding our chapel caught on fire. All these other buildings were burning furiously!
I wanted to shout aloud, “Fire! The chapel will be burned down!” However, the sermon speaker said, “We are members of True Jesus Church. We should never leave the church. We will be burned if we do. We need to stay within the church so that we will not be burned. The church is the body of God. It is the church of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is fire. Fighting fire with fire begets fire. Only those with the Holy Spirit will not be burned.”
At that time, I remembered the three friends of Daniel in the Bible. They were tossed into the fire but remained unharmed. Instead God sent an angel to be with them. Those with the Holy Spirit will not be burned either. This is because God is with His people and tribulations will never defeat the people of God.
If, however, we leave True Jesus Church we will encounter calamity and will destroyed!
Now, I would like to share another testimony.
I testified in Dong-Yuan Church in Taipei that there are three kinds of people in the heavenly kingdom. There is one type that’s dressed in light aqua blue. Another dressed in white cloth and pants. The third type dressed in one-piece white garment. These three types represent three different celestial rankings.
When I finished testifying, several sisters invited me to a chat. One of the sisters shared, “You mentioned aqua blue robe in your testimony. Some time ago, an elderly brother in our Dong-Yuan church also witnessed the same exact thing. He was very sick and died when he was around sixty years old. His wife and children surrounded his body and wept. Suddenly, this elderly brother awoke and sat up. He told them, ‘Don't cry! I have been saved! When I left here, a group of us walked on a very wide road. The crowd was really jam packed. When we reached a gate, a tall person in white robe had a book to check off people with names recorded in the book. Those whose names were not recorded were pushed down by four strong and ferocious devils into a dark abyss. These people screamed as they plunged down. Those whose names were recorded were allowed to enter the gate, and as soon as they entered, their cloths turned white!’ ”
There was a person standing in front of this elderly brother. The person in white robe asked that person, “What is your name?” Once he stated his name, the person in white said, “You may enter now!” When this elderly brother heard this, he held on to the person before him and followed him in. The person in white pulled the elderly brother back, saying “Not you! Not you! Only the person in front of you!”
Then the person in white asked this elderly brother, “What is your name?” He stated his name. The person in white said, “Your name is probably not in this book!” This brother was so nervous with his heart racing hard! What should he do if his name was not found in the book? He will be pushed down by those devils and fall into the abyss!
Fortunately, the person in white robe said, “Oh! Your barely squeaked by the passing mark of 60! If your score were 59 or lower, you will not enter -- not even by one point! You have passed with a sore of 60. You may enter now, but you will be dressed in an aqua blue robe and be called upon to sweep the floor and do chores.”
He said to his wife and children, “Relax! Even though I could not wear a white robe, but at least I am not going to hell. I have been saved. Wearing an aqua blue robe is okay with me, as long as I am saved!”
I was touched by this testimony, for it matched what I had seen myself.
When a few Korean and American elders as well Elder Hsieh Soon-Dau attended a world assembly meeting of True Jesus Church, they came to my house and asked me, “We heard that you have seen people wearing aqua blue robes in the heavenly kingdom?” An elderly sister in Korea remarked that she had a dream in which she saw people in heaven wearing aqua blue robes. However, many people did not believe her because the Bible does not mention such colored robes.
I later relayed Dong-Yuan church sister’s testimony to the elder about these testimonies. That elder said, “Aha! This is the answer! This is the answer!”
No wonder Paul and the Lord Jesus both said that the way leading to the Heavenly kingdom is narrow and whoever wishes to enter must strive hard. People must strain forward on their way to the heavenly kingdom. This striving tells us no matter what challenges we take on, be it sacred work or anything else, we earn points. If we do not strive but disobey God and sin against Him, we will earn no points.
Even though we are qualified to be saved, but we must strive to practice the words of God. We need to obey the word in order to earn points.
"The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.” (Luke 16:16)
By chance I met a sister who lived far away. Many mentioned she did not come to church often.
Because of what I heard, I asked her, “I heard that you have been pretty busy recently?”
“Yes, I have been very busy!” she replied.
I asked, “Does what you do affect your going to church?”
She said, “I haven’t been to church for a long time.”
I smiled then asked, “Are you tacking time off from Lord Jesus?”
She smiled back saying, “Yes, I took some time off from Lord Jesus because I have been busy.”
I told her, “No! You shouldn’t do this because we don’t know when exactly God will call us back. If Christ should call upon us during our time off from Him, we won’t have enough points to enter the heavenly kingdom. This way, we would have wasted our chance to enter the gate of salvation. We are qualified to be saved, but we need to strive hard for salvation! We need to obey God's words completely in order to gain points!”
Let me share with you another testimony.
Once I had a dream. Some one yelled, “Let's all come to the chapel! Lord Jesus is coming soon! Let's wait for Him in the chapel!”
All the members gathered at the chapel. We waited and waited. But the Lord did not show up. Some members started grumbling, “The Lord Jesus had lied to us! He told us that He will come but did not even until now. We have been waiting so long!”
After a while, someone knocked on the door. We were so elated. “Ah! Lord Jesus is here now!” When we opened the door, the one who came in was an elderly brother that I knew who had passed away. When he was still alive, his skin was fair and looked quite handsome. I wondered why he became black as charcoal? He was standing at the door and looking very sad. We looked at him but were too embarrassed to keep staring at him because he looked so pitiful.
He was very sad and weeping, “You should all cling to the truth in True Jesus Church and don’t end up like me. I did not get to go to that happy land. There is truly a heavenly kingdom. My faith was only on the surface, so I wasn’t qualified to enter heaven. Now I am in another place where I am extremely painful.”
Because he kept weeping we dared not look at him straight on. Then he turned away and left.
Before the deceased brother showed up, we were quarreling, “Why didn't Lord Jesus come? Why did He lie to us that He is coming? We should go out because we have other business to tend to!” While we were quarreling, the deceased brother showed up. After he left no one dared to utter a single word, for when we looked at him we thought of ourselves. If our faith were only skin deep, we too will become like him and won’t be able to enter the heavenly kingdom. We will go to another horrible place to suffer.
After the brother left all the members became quiet, no one dared to utter a peep. We waited for the Lord for a while longer. Finally another person knocked on the door! Let's open the door. This time, it was Lord Jesus!
He entered the chapel and spoke to us, “Now, I am just passing through. I will not take you with me now because the time has not come for me to do so. You’ll need to wait here patiently. I will take you with me someday. I hope that you do not leave. No matter how long it takes, you need to wait in the church for me!”
After He spoke, He left. We were still inside the chapel waiting. Now we were willing to wait here. No one dared to complain, “Ah! The Lord Jesus lied to us.” No one dared to say so anymore.
Once I woke up, I reflected on my own faith. My faith is no better than this deceased brother. So, I prayed to God that He may grant me more faith and strength in order to persist to the end.
“All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Matthew 10:22
Thanks to the Lord! Our True Jesus Church is the true church that leads to salvation. We ought to stand firm in our belief. This faith is not without proof, for the Holy Spirit is with us as concrete evidence. If we also practice God's words, we will definitely go to the heavenly kingdom.
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (John 15:16)
Thank the Lord! This is what Lord Jesus said himself.
We are the chosen people of God because we are members of True Jesus Church established by God. We are to uphold God name and remain in His church!
Thank the Lord! Do not forget that we are the chosen people of God and the spiritual Israelites. We should strive hard. Let's encourage and pray for one another.
May all the glory and praises be unto the Lord's name!

Saturday, October 24, 2009










主耶穌說:自從有日子以來,我就是神;誰也不能救人脫離我手,我要行事,誰能阻止呢 (賽四十三13) ?神喜悅我們保守聖潔,因為祂是聖潔的(彼前一15~16)。神的兒女和不信的原不相配,不要同負一軛;義和不義有什麼相交呢?光明和黑暗有什麼相通呢?基督和彼列有什麼相和呢?信主和不信主的有什麼相幹呢?神的殿和偶像有什麼相同呢?因為我們是永生神的殿;就如神曾說:『我要在他們中間居住,在他們中間來往;我要作他們的神,他們要作我的子民。』又說:『你們務要從他們中間出來,與他們分別,不要沾不潔淨的物,我就收納你們。我要作你們的父,你們要作我的兒女。』這是全能的主說的(林後六14~18)。











Pr. Tien 田輝煌 2006-06-14 -- 人生如影兒--粵語翻譯










Pr. Tien 田輝煌 2006-06-16 -- 使人有盼望的神--粵語翻譯




