Tuesday, August 18, 2009




一 位信徒,早已過適婚年齡,仍未等到神配合的結婚對象;在信仰生活裡,因未婚,飽受許多苦楚;這是在年輕時即於主內結婚者難以體會的。有來自外在的麻煩事, 有來自內在的傷心事;常遭受異性的蓄意騷擾和獨自面對信仰操練的孤單感。因此,很羨慕聽從主命、按著神的教訓守道、於會堂接受神的祝福而結婚的弟兄姊妹, 得著神所賜在生前、於日光之下勞碌的事上所得的分──同自己所愛的伴侶,快活度日。









能 在真耶穌教會的會堂裡結婚、領受神的祝福的弟兄姊妹,真是蒙天父大大賜福啊!因為可以有屬靈的同伴、親密的佳偶,在屬肉和屬靈方面都得著幫助;可以同心禱 告,建立基督化的家庭,面對魔鬼的攻擊而不膽怯,信仰路上不孤單。理應珍愛神所賜的配偶,持守忠貞的愛情,不容第三者介入,細心維護婚姻生活的聖潔,讓神 的靈歡喜住在彼此的心中,使神的恩惠因著夫妻謹守遵行神的道、而如貴重的油澆在兒女的身上、源源不絕,帶領家人過著分別為聖、在地如天的生活。









我們來看馬太福音第十一章28節:「凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到我這裏來,我就使你們得安息。」這是主耶穌說的,凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到主耶穌這邊來喔!欸!主耶穌就讓我們得到安息喔!這裡講的「安息」,主要是肉身生活的安息。然後29節 說:「我心裏柔和謙卑,你們當負我的軛、學我的樣式,這樣,你們心裏就必得享安息。」要學習主的真理,後面就得到心靈的安息、肉身的平安、心理的平安、人 生的平安,在主裡面,會得到。雖然有勞苦,但是我們懂得交託,我們懂得禱告、依靠,神會為我們承擔,這就成為美好的見證。就像這位外教會的老先生,奇妙的 事就發生在他的身上和他的家;這個真的是勞苦擔重擔的人,到了主的面前,就容易度過,人生就不再那麼痛苦,有主一起同行!


Heavy Burden
Pr. H. H. Tien
(Languages: Spoken in Mandarin, Translated in Cantonese)

Whatever burden we had in the past, we had to carry it on our own. One good thing about believing in Jesus is that we can give our burden to the Lord! This is an important experience. What we are concerned is the mighty power of God and His grace. When we have not known about the Lord, we had to carry this burden ourselves and it is very heavy and painful. No one can help you.

When we believed in the Lord Jesus, were baptized, and received the Holy Spirit, we need to learn to come to the Lord and give our burden to Him. This is by what we say but by the promise of Jesus Christ and His teachings.

Matthew chapter 11, verse 28 states,
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. This is what the Lord Jesus said. This peace is a peace in our lives.

Verse 29 continues to state,
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. When we have learned the truth of the Lord, we will have peace in our hearts, peace in our bodies, peace in spirits, and peace in life. All these will be obtained when we have learned the truth. Even though we may still encounter difficulties, as long as we know to give our burden to the Lord by praying and relying on God, God will take care of our problems. This will become a beautiful testimony. Just like this old man from other church, miracles happened to him and his family. This man was indeed a man with heavy burden. His burden became lighter when he came to the Lord because God walked with him.

May God bless everyone.

哈利路亞!歡迎您點選聆聽Pr.Tien 田輝煌 2006-05-24 -- 極重的勞苦Heavy Burden--粵語翻譯 語音檔喔!願神賜福給您!平安

Thursday, August 13, 2009

















































歡迎您點選下載聆聽 Pr Tien 田輝煌 2006-05-27-- 真正的生命--粵語翻譯


拒接情慾的種子(二)Refusing to Receive the Seed of Lust (2)










Refusing to Receive the Seed of Lust (2)
By Angel Tien
Translated by Amos Ku

In 2008, a sister saw a vision during her prayer: Two young sisters extended their hands and received the seed of lust from Satan. God revealed to her in the vision that among the seeds of Satan, the kind of seeds that would sprout first is the seed of lust, then the seed of greed. Only by refusing seed of lust from Satan can we not commit sins and obey the word of God. Once a person receives seeds of lust, it will be difficult for him/her to get away from temptations and tests from Satan. It is very dangerous! We need to pray for them earnestly. Only if we pray earnestly, can we get away from the net that Satan casts toward us.

Once a person is caught in the net of lust outside the holy matrimony (that is, marriage before God), he/she will become another person, who will not pay attention to spiritual life and not listen to God’s word in the Bible , (to be married in the Lord, to marry only True Jesus Church (abbreviated as TJC hereafter) members, to not to commit adultery before marriage, and not to love other people than our own spouse, not to become a homosexual, not to choose our own spouse by our own wills, and not to cheat our spouse who made a covenant with us (Malachi 2: 10~16)).

What are the consequences if we do any of these sinful acts? Have not all of us seen those who joyfully received the seeds of lust from Satan lead a life of misery? Without the abidance of God and His protection, there will be no peace. We will be living miserably in the wrath of God, fearing and trembling daily. Not only this. There will be judgment of God, endless punishment in hell, and endless pain and suffering, waiting for us. Where is the joy resulted from love? Where is the love that is supposedly stronger than rock and more abundant than sea? Once we commit mortal sins and leave God, all the blessings will disappear. Can we not be careful and not watch out?

It is easy to love another person and receive a love from another person. However, only those marry within the Lord can enjoy true love within marriage. We can never share this love with any other than our own spouse. Those who have not been married within the Lord have to rely on help from the Holy Spirit, filled with the Holy Spirit, keeping word of God in our hearts, waiting for the arrangement of God. Do not complaint. Cherish your time in this period of freedom and carefree. Strive to learn more of knowledge both spiritually and worldly. God will never disregard our efforts to be holy. He will surely grant you whatever fruit your labor under the sun should grow you – give the person that shall be your spouse. How blessed we will be if we live a life happily, building a Christ based family and walking toward the Heavenly Kingdom together? We will not be harmed even if tribulations and suffering are coming unexpectedly. With God on our side, we will be satisfied.

In 2009, a TJC member had a dream in which this member saw a coworker who expressed mutual like toward each other stuck out a tongue of snake from the mouth! The member was greatly shocked and woke up horribly! This member realized, “Thank God! This is a reminder from God!”

We should treat others with grace, see others better than we are, and live peacefully with others, but we cannot put down our guards. Guarding against what? We should guard against the tendency to let out our love toward those other than our own spouse. We should repent and pray for God’s forgiveness. We should guard our hearts, so that we will not fall into the trap of Satan and leave God. We should also pray to God that this person will not be too sorrowful by expressing love to a wrong person. Pray that God cherish a friend who we cherish much. Someday this person can also walk toward the Heavenly Kingdom with us and enjoy eternal blessings!

Chapter 2, verse 9 and 10, and verse 13 to 15 of II Peter say “…the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the Day of Judgment, while continuing their punishment. This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority…” and “They will be paid back with harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of pleasure is to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their pleasures while they feast with you. With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood! They have left the straightway and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of wickedness.”

Therefore we should not leave foothold to devil by refusing the seeds for lust from Satan. Lord Jesus knows who are His. Whoever called Him the Lord should leave unrighteous deeds and escape from lust, and chapter 2, verses 19, 22, and 21 of the book of II Timothy tell us, “Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."”, “Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”, and “If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”

Is not it what we have all hoped for day and night from God to be used by the Lord?

(Continue next issue.)














A Weeping Prophet - Jeremiah
by Pr. D. Liang
(Languages: Spoken in Mandarin, Translated in English)

Leaving God, we, humans, will not be able to find the meaning of life; and we will not find the true value of life. Without God, living is the same as death; it will be better men not born into the world; and there will be no hopes in our lives. Therefore, if men is living without God, whatever our plans, ideals and what kind of lives we are leading will be meaningless. This is why chapter 2 of Jeremiah says that we will be like nothing by leaving God.

So, God does not need us, but we all need God. This is a very important concept we should all have. Some people think that he comes to church to make God, church board members, or preachers to feel good. Originally, he/she is not coming, but he/she comes because someone or his/her parents are going to show up.

As a matter of fact, God does not need us if we do not come to Him. We can see in the Bible that there are millions of millions of angels serving God. This is why the Book of Isiah says that when angels were praising God, the foundation of the temple shook and the temple was filled with glory! If we do not worship God, God is still in that place, His glory still remains, and His power still intact. God will never be affected by those of us who do not worship Him. Men are but like dusts, and God will never be affected by men's not worshiping Him. On the other hand, if Men do not worship God, men will suffer a great deal because whatever he is striving or has striven will become totally meaningless.

For a person to become anew, he/she needs to transform him/herself – to pull up and destroy. Pulling up and destroying ones old self are very difficult things to do. What prophet Jeremiah wanted the Israelites to do? He wanted them to leave the godless life by telling them what was wrong about their actions. If a person is spreading about the wrongs that we have done, he/she will have no friend, for everyone like to hear people to tell us what are the good things about us.

Jeremiah, in his several decades of being a prophet, did only one thing – telling the people of Israel, “You have done wrong. You should repent. Otherwise, big calamities will fall upon you!” Because of his action, he probably made no friends and was persecuted everywhere. However, what he told was the truth and the message was the salvation to the Israelites – Returning to God, Babylonians were going to bring calamities upon the nation of Judah! He suffered much, but he was loyal to the Lord until to the end, out of not only his fear and obedience to God, but also his love toward humans...

When God uses a person, He looks upon the person's spiritual qualifications. The Bible never says, “Oh, this person is so gifted, so I shall choose him and use him.” No way! In the Bible, God chooses those who are like a child, just as Jeremiah was when he was chosen. No one can see any gift out of Jeremiah, but Jeremiah had spiritual qualifications, which is his sympathy toward mankind and his fear towards God! These are the factors why God chose him to be a prophet.

The book of Jeremiah Chapter 1 verse 8 says, “Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.” Jeremiah was young at the time God spoke this to him. Jeremiah said, “I am afraid!”. God told him, “Do not be afraid, for I will be with you.” These words are important when we conduct sacred work – God will be with us. If God was not with him, Jeremiah would not have become a prophet for several decades, and he would have beaten to death! It was because of God's abidance, Jeremiah was able to be a prophet for such a long time.

Therefore, Paul said to Timothy that he should be strong by the mercy of God. The reason that we have strength to carry out scared work of God is because of God's mercy. We are nothing, and we will not be able to serve him and men until now. Look at the people who serve in the church so many years. They all rely on God's mercy. Sometimes, someone says some bad things about us, we will say, “Forget it! I am not continue doing it anymore!” It is God at this time who give us strength to continue.

We need to think about one thing here: Did Jeremiah's work produce any effect? No! He preached warnings to the Israelites for several decades. No one listened. His message was very clear – to pull out, destroy, and rebuild and replant. God's abidance was very clear. However, there was no effect to what he had preached. Why there was no effect? It was not because God was powerless, not because Jeremiah was not doing his best, but because hearts of men were adamant – refusing to change.

Therefore, today, we need to realize that we need to do our best to perform sacred works in church by relying on God. Despite the fact that we have no control over the results, we need to examine ourselves – have we done our best? How many believed Noah when he preached the warnings of the flood? No one but eight people in his family.

The end time is coming. The mission to preach the gospel will be all the more difficult, but we will still need to do our best! We need to ask God's abidance. Paul sowed and Apollo watered, but it is God who grows it. We only need to give the results to the hands of God. God will remember our work and our efforts....

歡迎您點選下載聆聽Pr. Liang 梁得仁 –A Weeping Prophet Jeremiah --英語翻譯 語音檔。

拒接情慾的種子(一)Refusing to Receive the Seed of Lust (1)










Refusing to Receive the Seed of Lust (1)

written by Angel Tien
translated by Amos Ku

Last night, (01/29/2009), she heard a very shocking news: A brother who worked with her ten years ago had sex with a married woman, violating the seventh commandment.
She remembered one day in 1997 when she reminded him, “Watch out! Do not chat too deeply with that sister. She has been married, and she still talks about these subjects. This is not very appropriate. You should be very careful.” He smiled and answered confidently, “Impossible! She is much older than I am. We only chatted. Nothing will happen.” Well, after a few years, accident did occur.
No wonder, in 2006, when she was pursued and harassed by her boss and coworkers, God told her, “They were all very evil men.” Here, one of“them”refers to the brother who worked frequently with her. She was puzzled why was he among the evil men? Was he also a lustful person? Has he committed the mortal sin?
She double checked yesterday and confirmed the news indeed was true. The reason for him to fall was because the woman used the theories of the world to trick him to follow her. Surprisingly, he believed what she said and left the beloved Lord Jesus from his childhood...
During the first half of 1999, she called to encourage him, “You should apply for the theological school this year. Didn't you want to dedicate yourself to be a preacher?”He said, “I have not studied (a master's degree) enough. I want to dedicate myself after I have had a doctorate degree.”They argued for a while. He won. So, he insisted to dedicate himself after receiving his Ph D.
All these incidents were as if just happened yesterday. All the encouragements.... It was so shocking that a brother who determined to dedicate himself to be a preacher since his childhood and studied for this determination finally felt in a sexual related sin . How painful it must have been to her heart! Her' tears drop one by one....
Brothers and sisters of the True Jesus Church: Please be very careful about relation between sexes. Besides ones own spouse, one should be very careful not to chat too deeply with any member of opposite sex. Regardless he/she is married or unmarried, believer or unbeliever, a distance should always be kept! Many failures started with chatting. Even if another party is a church member and the reason for talking is to perform sacred work. We should always use caution! Didn't many of those who committed sexual sins started by chatting and then went all the way later to indulge lust of fresh and forsook God?
One member was revealed by God during prayer, “Men often think it is okay to walk close to sin. Only when they actually commit sins, do they realize everything has been too late!”These people walked closer to temptation one step at a time until they were all devoured by Satan. Then, they wept very bitterly, but it was too late! Repentance and becoming a new man again will be impossible (Hebrew 6: 4~8). Those who think he/she can stand firmly should be all the more careful so that he/she will not fall (1 Corinthians 10: 12).
For those who have married -- Do not be greedy. One husband (wife) is enough. We should use the truth of God and rely on the power of Holy Spirit to pray with our spouse, so that we will be able to help each other to run on the road toward the Heavenly Kingdom. Our eyes should not stare at other members of opposite sex and our hearts should not think that we will gain lusty love from him/her. “Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.”(Ecclesiastes 4: 6) If we are not content with love within marriage and to hope for excitements from our lusty pleasures, we will finally be chasing after the wind. Not only we won't be able to receive blessings from God, but we will be waiting for eternal punishments of having to suffer in fiery lake of the Hell as well.
For those who are still single – When church members are trying to introduce us brothers or sisters to us, do not use worldly standards and be very picky. You will be missing the period for marriage. This way we will need to risk ourselves in the world of emotional storms. When you are single, you are weaker and will fall very easily under Satan's attack. We are all Lord Jesus' children and we need to see to it that we marry those who have been baptized into the True Jesus Church and that we are to be kept in the bosom of God. We only need to look for our spouse among those who are sinless, faithful, filled with the Holy Spirit, those who seek God's kingdom and His righteousness, and those who are belonging to God. Only matching with a person with these qualifications can we have a marriage pleasing to God. If you place your marriage in the hands of God, God will bless you greatly. He will take care of those who love him and obey His words. Your marriage will glorify God's name and He will abide with you and become the Lord of your household until the end of the world, when He will receive you into His Heavenly Kingdom.
”Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.”(Hebrew 13: 4). Therefore, we need to wait for God's arrangement in our prayers. We should not chose our spouse carelessly and lose the chance to be married in the house of God and be blessed by God. We all need to“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.”(1 Corinthians 16: 13)

(Continued on next issue.)

Testimony of the Holy Spirit
Hallelujah, beloved friends:Peace be with you!
Thank God. This website contains many beautiful spiritual food,and you are welcome to download sermons, testimonies, hymns and articles. Wish that we all can overcome worldly tribulations by the Lord and walk with the Lord always.
May Lord Jesus Christ protect you always.
May peace with you!

Hidden Treasure
“For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.“(2 Peter 1:21)".”...Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." (Rev. 19:10)
Song of Songs
Please ask for permission if you wish to quote any of the text above. If you do quote this article, please properly quote the source. Thank you!
Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. (2 Thess 3:16)

Spiritual Food to Share

Salvation is the most important thing of our lives. Please read Mathew chapter 16 verse 26. Here the Lord Jesus said, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”
The life mentioned here refers to the everlasting life. In other words, this passage is to say that what will we gain nothing without everlasting life – to be saved and enter the Heavenly Kingdom. How important it is to be saved!
Therefore, members in times of Apostolic church rather died for the truth. Life is the most precious thing one can ever own, but they were willing to give up their life to gain salvation.
The fleshly life can last many decades and can also last only several hours. We have no idea how many more hours will we still live. Are we able to live 5 more hours? No one knows.
Even it is so, we are regarding our live more precious than all the properties of the world....
Going to Heavenly Kingdom is like climbing stairs: One step at a time. We can never jump all the way to the top.
We ought to believe that Jesus is the Savior. We need to repent and believe in Him, baptized and wash away our sins, and receive the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, one needs to become anew by the Holy Spirit – a basic foundation for salvation. The requirements are very clear.
Therefore, We can not pause at any point but move forward always. Move forward!
Sisters and brothers who have been baptized according to the Bible and received promised Holy Spirit should all rely on the help of the Holy Spirit to act out good deeds of a new person.
May the Lord bless us.

Please click and listen to this audio sermon file: Elder J Yang -- Apostle Paul (3) - Paul's Discussion on Salvation.


















歡迎您點選下載聆聽Elder J Yang 楊約翰 -- Apostle Paul (3) - Paul's Discussion on Salvation--英語翻譯語音檔。